Title: | Analysis of Virulence |
Description: | Epidemiological population dynamics models traditionally define a pathogen's virulence as the increase in the per capita rate of mortality of infected hosts due to infection. This package provides functions allowing virulence to be estimated by maximum likelihood techniques. The approach is based on the analysis of relative survival comparing survival in matching cohorts of infected vs. uninfected hosts (Agnew 2019) <doi:10.1101/530709>. |
Authors: | Philip Agnew [aut, cre], Jimmy Lopez [aut] |
Maintainer: | Philip Agnew <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-20 03:59:40 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/anovir |
Epidemiological population dynamics models traditionally define a pathogen's virulence as the increase in the per capita rate of mortality of infected hosts due to infection. The ANOVIR package provides functions allowing virulence to be estimated by maximum likelihood techniques. The approach is based on the analysis of relative survival applied to the comparison of survival in matching cohorts of experimentally-infected vs. uninfected hosts (Agnew 2019).
The analysis of relative survival is a statistical method for estimating excess mortality. Excess mortality occurs when a target population experiences greater mortality than would be expected for a given period of time. Here excess mortality is estimated in the context of emprical studies where survival in populations of experimentally infected hosts is compared to that in matching populations of uninfected, or control, hosts. In this context the relative survival approach assumes the rate of mortality observed in the infected treatment arises as the sum of two independent and mutually exclusive sources of mortality, (i) the 'natural' or background rate of mortality, and (ii) an addition rate of mortality due to infection.
The background rate of mortality is the expected rate of mortality hosts in the infected treatment would have experienced had they not been exposed to infection; it is estimated from mortality observed in the matching uninfected control treatment. When there is background mortality, the rate of mortality of infected hosts due to infection is not directly observed; however it can be estimated from the difference in mortality observed for an infected treatment and that observed in a matching control treatment.
The two sources of mortality assumed in the relative survival approach, and the additive effect of their rates for infected hosts, is also found in the population dynamics models on which most epidemiological theory is based. The additional rate of mortality of infected hosts due to infection is generally how these models define pathogen virulence.
PA is grateful to the following people;
- Yannis MICHALAKIS for affording me the time and space at work to develop this project
- Simon BLANFORD and Matthew THOMAS for generously providing the data from their 2012 study and allowing it to be made publically available
- Célia TOURAINE at the Institut du Cancer de Montpellier (ICM) for reading the original manuscript and validating the general approach of analysing relative survival as a means to estimate virulence
- Eric ELGUERO for useful input during discussions on models for recovery from infection and estimating confidence intervals
- François ROUSSET for helpful technical advice concerning R
This work was funded by basic research funds from the French research agencies of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD).
Philip AGNEW & Jimmy LOPEZ
Agnew P (2019) Estimating virulence from relative survival. bioRxiv: 530709 doi
Vignettes for examples of how to use and modify the functions in this package to estimate pathogen virulence
Calculates expected longevity of infected hosts due to background mortality and mortality due to infection
av_long_infected(a1, b1, a2, b2, d1 = "", d2 = "")
av_long_infected(a1, b1, a2, b2, d1 = "", d2 = "")
a1 , b1
numeric: location & scale parameters for background mortality, respectively |
a2 , b2
numeric: location & scale parameters for mortality due to infection, respectively |
d1 , d2
character: probability distributions to describe background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively |
The expected average longevity is calculated as the integral from zero to infinity for the product of the cumulative survival functions for background mortality and mortality due to infection, given values of a1, b1, d1, a2, b2, d2
a vector
av_long_infected( a1 = 3.0, b1 = 0.6, d1 = "Weibull", a2 = 2.5, b2 = 0.5, d2 = "Frechet") # 12.156
av_long_infected( a1 = 3.0, b1 = 0.6, d1 = "Weibull", a2 = 2.5, b2 = 0.5, d2 = "Frechet") # 12.156
Calculates expected average longevity due only to background mortality
av_long_uninfected(a1, b1, d1 = "")
av_long_uninfected(a1, b1, d1 = "")
a1 , b1
numeric: location & scale parameters for background mortality, respectively |
d1 |
character: probability distribution chosen to describe data |
The expected average longevity is calculated as the integral from zero to infinity of the cumulative survival function for background mortality, given values of a1, b1, d1
a vector
av_long_uninfected(a1 = 3.0, b1 = 0.6, d1 = "Weibull") #17.947
av_long_uninfected(a1 = 3.0, b1 = 0.6, d1 = "Weibull") #17.947
Function checking 'time', 'censor' and 'infected treatment' columns in data.frame are correctly specified for the likelihood functions in this package.
check_data( data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment )
check_data( data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment )
data |
Name of data.frame to be checked |
time |
Name of column with time of event data (death or censoring); requires time > 0 and numeric. |
censor |
Name of column containing censor status; '1' censored, '0' uncensored or died during experiment (needs to be numeric) |
infected_treatment |
Name of column for infection treatment status; '1' a treatment exposed to infection, '0' treatment not exposed to infection (needs to be numeric). NB Different likelihood models make different assumptions as to whether
all the individuals in an infected treatment are infected
or not (c.f. |
An error message is also given if data contain rows 'NA'; these need removing.
NB error messages triggered on 1st encounter with a fault. Correct and check revised data for other faults.
Message, 'Checks completed' or error message
# view head of data.frame to be checked head(data_blanford, 3) # specify data.frame and names of columns for; # time, censor status, infection status check_data(data = data_blanford, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf) # create data.frame 't_zero' with t = 0 in first row of data.frame t_zero <- data_blanford t_zero[1, 8] <- 0 head(t_zero, 3) check_data(data = t_zero, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf) # correct '0' and make first row of column 'censor' = NA t_zero[1, 8] <- 1 ; t_zero[1, 5] <- NA ; head(t_zero, 3) check_data(data = t_zero, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf) # remove row(s) with 'NA' t_zero_II <- na.omit(t_zero) # NB applies to whole data.frame check_data(data = t_zero_II, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf)
# view head of data.frame to be checked head(data_blanford, 3) # specify data.frame and names of columns for; # time, censor status, infection status check_data(data = data_blanford, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf) # create data.frame 't_zero' with t = 0 in first row of data.frame t_zero <- data_blanford t_zero[1, 8] <- 0 head(t_zero, 3) check_data(data = t_zero, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf) # correct '0' and make first row of column 'censor' = NA t_zero[1, 8] <- 1 ; t_zero[1, 5] <- NA ; head(t_zero, 3) check_data(data = t_zero, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf) # remove row(s) with 'NA' t_zero_II <- na.omit(t_zero) # NB applies to whole data.frame check_data(data = t_zero_II, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf)
Function calculating the 95% confidence intervals for a hazard function based on the variance and covariance of its location and scale parameters.
conf_ints_virulence( a2 = a2, b2 = b2, var_a2 = var_a2, var_b2 = var_b2, cov_a2b2 = cov_a2b2, d2 = "", tmax = 21 )
conf_ints_virulence( a2 = a2, b2 = b2, var_a2 = var_a2, var_b2 = var_b2, cov_a2b2 = cov_a2b2, d2 = "", tmax = 21 )
a2 |
numeric. Estimated value of location parameter describing mortality due to infection |
b2 |
numeric. Estimated value of scale parameter describing mortality due to infection |
var_a2 |
numeric. Estimated variance of location parameter describing mortality due to infection |
var_b2 |
numeric. Estimated variance of scale parameter describing mortality due to infection |
cov_a2b2 |
numeric. Estimated covariance of location and scale parameters above |
d2 |
character. Probability distribution assumed to describe virulence; Weibull, Gumbel or Fréchet |
tmax |
maximum time virulence will be calculated for. Default value; tmax = 21 |
The approach is based on the interval being estimated as a complementary log-log function of the hazard function, h(t), with the variance of virulence being estimated by the Delta method applied to log(h[t]).
matrix containing estimates of virulence over time ± approx. 95% confidence intervals
# the values, variance and covariance of the location and scale parameters # [a2,a2] describing mortality due to infection were estimated as; # a2 = 2.5807642 # b2 = 0.1831328 # var_a2 = 0.0008196927 # var_b2 = 0.0010007282 # cov_a2b2 = -0.0003119921 ci_matrix01 <- conf_ints_virulence( a2 = 2.5807642, b2 = 0.1831328, var_a2 = 0.0008196927, var_b2 = 0.0010007282, cov_a2b2 = -0.0003119921, d2 = "Weibull", tmax = 15) tail(ci_matrix01) plot(ci_matrix01[, 't'], ci_matrix01[, 'h2'], type = 'l', col = 'red', xlab = 'time', ylab = 'virulence (± 95% ci)') lines(ci_matrix01[, 'lower_ci'], col = 'grey') lines(ci_matrix01[, 'upper_ci'], col = 'grey')
# the values, variance and covariance of the location and scale parameters # [a2,a2] describing mortality due to infection were estimated as; # a2 = 2.5807642 # b2 = 0.1831328 # var_a2 = 0.0008196927 # var_b2 = 0.0010007282 # cov_a2b2 = -0.0003119921 ci_matrix01 <- conf_ints_virulence( a2 = 2.5807642, b2 = 0.1831328, var_a2 = 0.0008196927, var_b2 = 0.0010007282, cov_a2b2 = -0.0003119921, d2 = "Weibull", tmax = 15) tail(ci_matrix01) plot(ci_matrix01[, 't'], ci_matrix01[, 'h2'], type = 'l', col = 'red', xlab = 'time', ylab = 'virulence (± 95% ci)') lines(ci_matrix01[, 'lower_ci'], col = 'grey') lines(ci_matrix01[, 'upper_ci'], col = 'grey')
Complete data from the publication: Blanford S, Jenkins NE, Read AF, Thomas MB (2012) Evaluating the lethal and pre-lethal effects of a range of fungi against adult Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes. Malaria Journal. 11:365 doi
An object of class data.frame
with 1320 rows and 9 columns.
experimental block within experiment (1 - 5)
experimental treatment
replicate cage within treatment (1 - 4)
time post-infection (days)
'1' censored, '0' died
an indicator variable; '0' censored, '1' died
'0' uninfected treatement, '1' infected treatment
time post-infection (days)
frequency of individuals
Simon Blanford and Matthew Thomas generously provided and allowed the release of these data
Data on the longevity of 256 adult female mosquitoes and the number of pathogen spores they harboured at the time of their death.
An object of class data.frame
with 256 rows and 8 columns.
These are the Lorenz & Koella data analysed in Agnew (2019) doi
A dataframe
Number of spores larvae were exposed to (spores/larva)
food treatment: '50' or '100'
sex of mosquito: 'F' female
number of spores harboured by mosquito at time of death
time of death to nearest half day
'1' censored, '0' died
death indicator: '1' died during experiment, '0' right-censored
infection treatment indicator: '0' uninfected, '1' infected
Lorenz LM & Koella JC (2011) The microsporidian parasite Vavraia culicis as a potential late life-acting control agent of malaria. Evolutionary Applications 4: 783-790 doi
The full dataset is available at Dryad https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.2s231
Complete data on the survival of adult female aphids exposed or unexposed to fungal infection.
An object of class data.frame
with 328 rows and 11 columns.
A dataframe
names of host genotypes
Spore Dose, concentration of fungal spores hosts were exposed to (spores/mm^2)
total number of offspring produced by hosts over lifetime
'1' visual signs of sporulation at host death, '0' no signs of sporulation
'0' censored, '1' died
time of death (days)
dose treatments on ordinal scale of 1-3, controls 0
'1' censored, '0' died
death indicator: '1' died, '0' censored
time of death (days)
infection treatment indicator; '1' infected, '0' uninfected
Parker BJ, Garcia JR, Gerardo NM (2014) Genetic variation in resistance and fecundity tolerance in a natural host-pathogen interaction. Evolution 68: 2421-2429 doi
The full dataset is available at Dryad https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.24gq7
Time when infected hosts are expected to have died due to their cumulative exposure to background mortality and mortality due to infection.
etd_infected(a1, b1, a2, b2, d1 = "", d2 = "", tmax = 100)
etd_infected(a1, b1, a2, b2, d1 = "", d2 = "", tmax = 100)
a1 , b1
location & scale parameters for background mortality |
a2 , b2
location & scale parameters for mortality due to infection |
d1 , d2
character: name of probability distributions describing background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively |
tmax |
numeric. Maximum value of t for which expected time of death is searched; defaults to 100. Minimum time is zero (0) |
It is the time t when, H1[t] + H2[t] = 1, and cumulative survival is, S1[t].S2[t] = exp(-1) = 0.367
print(etd_infected(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 30, b2 = 5, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Gumbel")) # 7.34 print(etd_infected(a1 = 20, b1 = 5, a2 = 3, b2 = 0.6, d1 = "Gumbel", d2 = "Frechet")) # 17.84 print(etd_infected(a1 = 3, b1 = 0.6, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, d1 = "Frechet", d2 = "Weibull")) # 7.37
print(etd_infected(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 30, b2 = 5, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Gumbel")) # 7.34 print(etd_infected(a1 = 20, b1 = 5, a2 = 3, b2 = 0.6, d1 = "Gumbel", d2 = "Frechet")) # 17.84 print(etd_infected(a1 = 3, b1 = 0.6, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, d1 = "Frechet", d2 = "Weibull")) # 7.37
Time when uninfected hosts are expected to have died due to their cumulative exposure to background mortality.
etd_uninfected(a1, b1, d1 = "", tmax = 100)
etd_uninfected(a1, b1, d1 = "", tmax = 100)
a1 , b1
location & scale parameters for background mortality |
d1 |
character: name of probability distribution describing background mortality |
tmax |
numeric. Maximum value of t for which expected time of death is searched; defaults to 100. Minimum time is zero (0) |
It is the time t when, H1[t] = 1, and cumulative survival is, S1[t] = exp(-1) = 0.367
print(etd_uninfected(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, d1 = "Weibull")) # 7.38 print(etd_uninfected(a1 = 20, b1 = 5, d1 = "Gumbel")) # 20 print(etd_uninfected(a1 = 3, b1 = 0.6, d1 = "Frechet")) # 32.06
print(etd_uninfected(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, d1 = "Weibull")) # 7.38 print(etd_uninfected(a1 = 20, b1 = 5, d1 = "Gumbel")) # 20 print(etd_uninfected(a1 = 3, b1 = 0.6, d1 = "Frechet")) # 32.06
Function returning the negative log-likelihood (nll) for the 'basic' relative survival model, given the functions' parameters and the observed data.
nll_basic( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull" )
nll_basic( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull" )
a1 , b1
location and scale parameters for background mortality |
a2 , b2
location and scale parameters for mortality due to infection |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column identifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
infected_treatment |
name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment |
d1 , d2
names of probability distributions describing background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively; both default to the Weibull distribution |
By deafult, this function takes arguments for location and scale parameters named; a1, b1, a2, b2. These parameters are components of survival functions describing patterns of background mortality and mortality due to infection. The particular form of these survival functions depends on the probability distributions chosen to describe each source of mortality; d1, d2. The function also takes arguments directing it to the data to be analysed and how they are labelled; data, time, censor, etc.
The nll returned by the function depends on the numerical values of the
location and scale parameters, which determine how well the likelihood model
describes the observed data. Maximum likelihood estimation functions, e.g.,
of the package bbmle
, can be used find values of the
location and scale parameters minimising the model's nll. The resulting
maximum likelihood estimates can be used to describe host mortality due to
background mortality and mortality due to infection, including the pathogen's
The model assumes all the individuals in the infected population are infected. It is also assumes infections are homogeneous, i.e., each infection has the same influence on host survival. Consequently a single hazard function, with a single pair of values for its location and scale parameters, can be used to describe the pattern of mortality due to infection for the infected population as a whole.
# prepare subset of 'data_blanford'; treatments 'cont' and 'Bb06' of Block 3 data01 <- subset(data_blanford, (data_blanford$block == 3) & ( (data_blanford$treatment == 'cont') | (data_blanford$treatment == 'Bb06')) & (data_blanford$day > 0)) head(data01, 4) # step #1: 'prep function' linking 'nll_basic' to data # and identifying parameters to estimate m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2){ nll_basic( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, data = data01, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull') } # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation # starting values specified as m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 2.5, b2 = 0.25) ) summary(m01)
# prepare subset of 'data_blanford'; treatments 'cont' and 'Bb06' of Block 3 data01 <- subset(data_blanford, (data_blanford$block == 3) & ( (data_blanford$treatment == 'cont') | (data_blanford$treatment == 'Bb06')) & (data_blanford$day > 0)) head(data01, 4) # step #1: 'prep function' linking 'nll_basic' to data # and identifying parameters to estimate m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2){ nll_basic( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, data = data01, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull') } # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation # starting values specified as m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 2.5, b2 = 0.25) ) summary(m01)
Function returning the negative log-likelihood (nll) for the 'basic' relative survival model, given the functions' parameters and the observed data.
nll_basic_logscale( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull" )
nll_basic_logscale( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull" )
a1 , b1
location and scale parameters for background mortality on a logscale |
a2 , b2
location and scale parameters for mortality due to infection on a logscale |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column identifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
infected_treatment |
name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment |
d1 , d2
names of probability distributions describing background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively; both default to the Weibull distribution |
By deafult, this function takes arguments for location and scale parameters named; a1, b1, a2, b2. These parameters are components of survival functions describing patterns of background mortality and mortality due to infection. The particular form of these survival functions depends on the probability distributions chosen to describe each source of mortality; d1, d2. The function also takes arguments directing it to the data to be analysed and how they are labelled; data, time, censor, etc.
The nll returned by the function depends on the numerical values of the
location and scale parameters, which determine how well the likelihood model
describes the observed data. Maximum likelihood estimation functions, e.g.,
of the package bbmle
, can be used find values of the
location and scale parameters minimising the model's nll. The resulting
maximum likelihood estimates can be used to describe host mortality due to
background mortality and mortality due to infection, including the pathogen's
The model assumes all the individuals in the infected population are infected. It is also assumes infections are homogeneous, i.e., each infection has the same influence on host survival. Consequently a single hazard function, with a single pair of values for its location and scale parameters, can be used to describe the pattern of mortality due to infection for the infected population as a whole.
# prepare subset of 'data_blanford'; treatments 'cont' and 'Bb06' of Block 3 data01 <- subset(data_blanford, (data_blanford$block == 3) & ( (data_blanford$treatment == 'cont') | (data_blanford$treatment == 'Bb06')) & (data_blanford$day > 0)) head(data01, 4) # step #1: 'prep function' linking 'nll_basic' to data # and identifying parameters to estimate m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2){ nll_basic_logscale( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, data = data01, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull') } # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation with # starting values specified m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 1, b1 = 1, a2 = 1, b2 = 1) ) summary(m01)
# prepare subset of 'data_blanford'; treatments 'cont' and 'Bb06' of Block 3 data01 <- subset(data_blanford, (data_blanford$block == 3) & ( (data_blanford$treatment == 'cont') | (data_blanford$treatment == 'Bb06')) & (data_blanford$day > 0)) head(data01, 4) # step #1: 'prep function' linking 'nll_basic' to data # and identifying parameters to estimate m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2){ nll_basic_logscale( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, data = data01, time = t, censor = censor, infected_treatment = inf, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull') } # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation with # starting values specified m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 1, b1 = 1, a2 = 1, b2 = 1) ) summary(m01)
Function returning negative log-likelihood (nll) for data in a control treatment.
nll_controls( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, d1 = "Weibull" )
nll_controls( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, d1 = "Weibull" )
a1 , b1
location and scale parameters for background mortality |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column idenifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
d1 |
name of probability distribution describing background mortality. Choice of; 'Weibull', 'Gumbel', 'Fréchet'; defaults to the Weibull distribution |
This function returns the nll based on two parameters, the location and scale parameters used to describe background mortality.
# prepare a subset of the Blanford data for analysis data01 <- subset(data_blanford, (data_blanford$block == 3) & (data_blanford$treatment == 'cont') & (data_blanford$day > 0)) # check data frame for names of columns head(data01) # step #1: 'prep function' linking 'nll_controls' to data # and identifying parameters to estimate m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1){ nll_controls( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, data = data01, time = t, censor = censor, d1 = 'Weibull' )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation # specifying starting values m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5) ) summary(m01)
# prepare a subset of the Blanford data for analysis data01 <- subset(data_blanford, (data_blanford$block == 3) & (data_blanford$treatment == 'cont') & (data_blanford$day > 0)) # check data frame for names of columns head(data01) # step #1: 'prep function' linking 'nll_controls' to data # and identifying parameters to estimate m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1){ nll_controls( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, data = data01, time = t, censor = censor, d1 = 'Weibull' )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation # specifying starting values m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5) ) summary(m01)
Function returning negative log-likelihood (nll) for patterns of mortality in infected and control treatments, where the infected population harbours an unobserved proportion of hosts that were exposed to infection, but did not become infected.
nll_exposed_infected( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, p1 = p1, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull" )
nll_exposed_infected( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, p1 = p1, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull" )
a1 , b1
location and scale parameters for background mortality |
a2 , b2
location and scale parameters for mortality due to infection |
p1 |
unobserved proportion of hosts exposed to infection and infected; 0 <= p1 <= 1 |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column idenifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
infected_treatment |
name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment |
d1 , d2
names of probability distributions chosen to describe background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively'; both default to the Weibull distribution |
This function returns the nll based on five parameters, the location and scale parameters for background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively, plus a parameter for the proportion of hosts that became infected when exposed to infection.
# check column names in head of data frame with data to analyse head(data_parker) # step #1: prepare nll function for analysis m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, p1 = p1){ nll_exposed_infected( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, p1 = p1, data = data_parker, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Frechet", d2 = "Weibull") } # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2.5, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, p1 = 0.5) ) summary(m01) # model setting lower & upper bounds to parameter estimates # including 0 < p1 < 1 m02 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2.5, b1 = 1.2, a2 = 1.9, b2 = 0.16, p1 = 0.48), method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(a1 = 0, b1 = 0, a2 = 0, b2 = 0, p1 = 0), upper = c(a1 = Inf, b1 = Inf, a2 = Inf, b2 = Inf, p1 = 1), ) summary(m02)
# check column names in head of data frame with data to analyse head(data_parker) # step #1: prepare nll function for analysis m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, p1 = p1){ nll_exposed_infected( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, p1 = p1, data = data_parker, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Frechet", d2 = "Weibull") } # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2.5, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, p1 = 0.5) ) summary(m01) # model setting lower & upper bounds to parameter estimates # including 0 < p1 < 1 m02 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2.5, b1 = 1.2, a2 = 1.9, b2 = 0.16, p1 = 0.48), method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(a1 = 0, b1 = 0, a2 = 0, b2 = 0, p1 = 0), upper = c(a1 = Inf, b1 = Inf, a2 = Inf, b2 = Inf, p1 = 1), ) summary(m02)
Function calculating negative log-likelihood (nll) for the observed patterns of mortality in infected and uninfected treatments when it assumed there is unobserved variation in virulence.
nll_frailty( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "" )
nll_frailty( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "" )
a1 , b1
location and scale parameters describing background mortality |
a2 , b2
location and scale parameters describing mortality due to infection |
theta |
parameter describing variance of unobserved variation in virulence |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column idenifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
infected_treatment |
name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment |
d1 , d2
names of probability distributions chosen to describe background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively; both default to the Weibull distribution |
d3 |
name of probability distribution chosen to describe unobserved frailty; choice of 'gamma' or 'inverse Gaussian' |
The function assumes the unobserved variation in the rate of mortality due to infection is continuously distributed and follows either the gamma distribution or the inverse Gaussian distribution, with mean = 1 and variance = theta.
The nll is based on five parameter functions for the location and scale parameters for background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively, plus a parameter estimating the variance of the unobserved variation in virulence.
### Example 1: unobserved variation in virulence described by gamma distribution # step #1: parameterise nll function to be passed to 'mle2' m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta){ nll_frailty( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data_lorenz, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Gumbel", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Gamma" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2( m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 20, b1 = 5, a2 = 3, b2 = 0.1, theta = 2) ) summary(m01) ### Example 2: unobserved variation in virulence described by inverse Gaussian distribution m02_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta){ nll_frailty( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data_lorenz, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Gumbel", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Inverse Gaussian" )} m02 <- mle2( m02_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 20, b1 = 5, a2 = 3, b2 = 0.1, theta = 2) ) summary(m02) # compare model estimates by AICc AICc(m01, m02, nobs = 256)
### Example 1: unobserved variation in virulence described by gamma distribution # step #1: parameterise nll function to be passed to 'mle2' m01_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta){ nll_frailty( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data_lorenz, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Gumbel", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Gamma" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2( m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 20, b1 = 5, a2 = 3, b2 = 0.1, theta = 2) ) summary(m01) ### Example 2: unobserved variation in virulence described by inverse Gaussian distribution m02_prep_function <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta){ nll_frailty( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data_lorenz, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Gumbel", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Inverse Gaussian" )} m02 <- mle2( m02_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 20, b1 = 5, a2 = 3, b2 = 0.1, theta = 2) ) summary(m02) # compare model estimates by AICc AICc(m01, m02, nobs = 256)
This negative log-likelihood (nll) function is the same as 'nll_frailty', except it assumes the variables to estimate are on a logscale.
nll_frailty_logscale( log.a1 = log.a1, log.b1 = log.b1, log.a2 = log.a2, log.b2 = log.b2, log.theta = log.theta, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "" )
nll_frailty_logscale( log.a1 = log.a1, log.b1 = log.b1, log.a2 = log.a2, log.b2 = log.b2, log.theta = log.theta, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "" )
log.a1 , log.b1
location and scale parameters for background mortality, on a logscale |
log.a2 , log.b2
location and scale parameters for mortality due to infection, on a logscale |
log.theta |
parameter describing variance of the unobserved variation in virulence, on a logscale |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column idenifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
infected_treatment |
name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment |
d1 , d2
names of probability distributions chosen to describe background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively; both default to the Weibull distribution |
d3 |
name of probability distribution chosen to describe unobserved frailty; choice of 'gamma' or 'inverse Gaussian' |
### Example 1: unobserved variation in virulence with gamma distribution # step #1: parameterise nll function to be passed to 'mle2' m01_prep_function <- function( log.a1 = log.a1, log.b1 = log.b1, log.a2 = log.a2, log.b2 = log.b2, log.theta = log.theta){ nll_frailty_logscale( log.a1 = log.a1, log.b1 = log.b1, log.a2 = log.a2, log.b2 = log.b2, log.theta = log.theta, data = data_lorenz, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Gumbel", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Gamma" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2( m01_prep_function, start = list( log.a1 = 3, log.b1 = 1.5, log.a2 = 0.7, log.b2 = -0.7, log.theta = 1 ) ) summary(m01) exp(coef(m01))
### Example 1: unobserved variation in virulence with gamma distribution # step #1: parameterise nll function to be passed to 'mle2' m01_prep_function <- function( log.a1 = log.a1, log.b1 = log.b1, log.a2 = log.a2, log.b2 = log.b2, log.theta = log.theta){ nll_frailty_logscale( log.a1 = log.a1, log.b1 = log.b1, log.a2 = log.a2, log.b2 = log.b2, log.theta = log.theta, data = data_lorenz, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Gumbel", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Gamma" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2( m01_prep_function, start = list( log.a1 = 3, log.b1 = 1.5, log.a2 = 0.7, log.b2 = -0.7, log.theta = 1 ) ) summary(m01) exp(coef(m01))
Function assuming hazard functions describing virulence are proportional among infected treatments.
nll_proportional_virulence( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, reference_virulence = reference_virulence, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull" )
nll_proportional_virulence( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, reference_virulence = reference_virulence, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull" )
a1 , b1
location and scale parameters describing background mortality |
a2 , b2
location and scale parameters describing mortality due to infection |
theta |
a constant describing the proportional relationship of virulence; theta > 0 |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column identifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
infected_treatment |
name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment |
reference_virulence |
name of data frame column identifying the infected treatment to use as a reference when estimating virulence; value of 1 the reference treatment and 2 for treatment to be compared |
d1 , d2
names of probability distributions describing background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively; both default to the Weibull distribution |
The proportional hazards assumption requires, h1(t) / h2(t) = c, where h1(t) and h2(t) are two hazard functions at time t, and c is a constant. In this function the hazard functions for the increased mortality due to infection are assumed to be proportional for different infection treatments within the same experiment.
In the default form, one infected treatment is denoted '1' and used as the reference treatment for virulence against which the virulence in a second infected population, '2', is scaled. The default function can be extended to compare multiple treatments against the reference (see vignette: Worked examples II)
data01 <- data_lorenz # create column 'reference_virulence' with values of 1 and 2 when # Infectious.dose = 5000 and 160000, respectively, otherwise 0 data01$reference_virulence <- ifelse(data01$g == 0, 0, ifelse(data01$g == 1, ifelse(data01$Infectious.dose == 5000, 1, ifelse(data01$Infectious.dose == 160000, 2, 0)), 0) ) m01_prep_function <- function( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta){ nll_proportional_virulence( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data01, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, reference_virulence = reference_virulence, d1 = 'Gumbel', d2 = 'Weibull') } m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 23, b1 = 5, a2 = 4, b2 = 0.2, theta = 1) ) summary(m01) # virulence in the high dose treatment is estimated as # ~ 6x greater than in the low dose treatment
data01 <- data_lorenz # create column 'reference_virulence' with values of 1 and 2 when # Infectious.dose = 5000 and 160000, respectively, otherwise 0 data01$reference_virulence <- ifelse(data01$g == 0, 0, ifelse(data01$g == 1, ifelse(data01$Infectious.dose == 5000, 1, ifelse(data01$Infectious.dose == 160000, 2, 0)), 0) ) m01_prep_function <- function( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta){ nll_proportional_virulence( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, theta = theta, data = data01, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, reference_virulence = reference_virulence, d1 = 'Gumbel', d2 = 'Weibull') } m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 23, b1 = 5, a2 = 4, b2 = 0.2, theta = 1) ) summary(m01) # virulence in the high dose treatment is estimated as # ~ 6x greater than in the low dose treatment
Function returning negative log-likelihood (nll) for patterns of survival in infected and uninfected treatments, when infected hosts can recover from infection.
nll_recovery( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, data = data, d1 = "", d2 = "", d3 = "" )
nll_recovery( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, data = data, d1 = "", d2 = "", d3 = "" )
a1 , b1
location & scale parameters for background mortality |
a2 , b2
location & scale parameters for mortality due to infection |
a3 , b3
location & scale parameters for how long infection 'survives' |
data |
a data.frame with the data |
d1 , d2 , d3
probability distributions for background mortality, mortality due to infection & how long infection 'survives' ("Weibull", "Gumbel", "Frechet") |
This model assumes all the hosts in an infected treatment are all initially infected, and they can all potentially recover from infection. Recovered hosts are assumed to only experience background mortality equivalent to that experienced by matching uninfected or control individuals; no assumptions are made as to whether they are still infected or infectious. It is also assumed that the timing of recovery from infection is not directly observed, but an individual's infected/recovery status can be determined after they have died or been censored.
The probability that an infection 'survives' over time, i.e., the host does not recover from infection, is assumed to follow a probability distribution which acts independently of the probability distributions determining background mortality or mortality due to infection.
This function only estimates location and scale parameters as constants, it is not designed to estimate them as functions.
requires the data to be specified in a specific format; see vignette 'data format' for details
# NB the data to analyse needs to be in a data frame of a specific form head(recovery_data) # step #1: prepare nll function for analysis m01_prep_function <- function(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3){ nll_recovery(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, data = recovery_data, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation, # specifying starting values m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, a3 = 2, b3 = 0.5) ) summary(m01) # values used to simulate data were for the Weibull distribution; # a1 = 2.8, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 2.2, b2 = 0.35, a3 = 2.35, b3 = 0.35
# NB the data to analyse needs to be in a data frame of a specific form head(recovery_data) # step #1: prepare nll function for analysis m01_prep_function <- function(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3){ nll_recovery(a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, data = recovery_data, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation, # specifying starting values m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, a3 = 2, b3 = 0.5) ) summary(m01) # values used to simulate data were for the Weibull distribution; # a1 = 2.8, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 2.2, b2 = 0.35, a3 = 2.35, b3 = 0.35
Function returning negative log-likelihood (nll) for patterns of survival in infected and uninfected treatments, when infected hosts can recover from infection and there is no background mortality.
nll_recovery_II( a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, data = data, d2 = "", d3 = "" )
nll_recovery_II( a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, data = data, d2 = "", d3 = "" )
a2 , b2
location & scale parameters for mortality due to infection |
a3 , b3
location & scale parameters for how long infection 'survives' |
data |
a data.frame with the data |
d2 , d3
probability distributions for background mortality, mortality due to infection & how long infection 'survives' ("Weibull", "Gumbel", "Frechet") |
This model assumes all the hosts in an infected treatment are all initially infected, and they can all potentially recover from infection. Uninfected, infected and recovered hosts are assumed to not experience any background mortality during the period of the experiment. No assumptions are made as to whether recovered hosts are still infected or infectious. It is also assumed that the timing of recovery from infection is not directly observed, but and individual's infected/recovery status can be determined after they have died or been censored.
The probability that an infection 'survives' over time, i.e., the host does not recover from infection, is assumed to follow a probability distribution which acts independently of the probability distributions determining background mortality or mortality due to infection.
This function only estimates location and scale parameters as constants, it is not designed to estimate them as functions.
The nll function also requires the data to be specified in a specific format and requires columns detailing when and how many control individuals were right-censored, even though these individuals do not contribute to the nll estimated; see vignettes for details.
requires the data to be specified in a specific format; see vignette 'data format' for details
# NB the data to analyse needs to be in a data frame of a specific form head(recovery_data_II) # step #1: prepare nll function for analysis m01_prep_function <- function(a2, b2, a3, b3){ nll_recovery_II(a2, b2, a3, b3, data = recovery_data_II, # data_recovery_II, d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation, # specifying starting values m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, a3 = 2, b3 = 0.5) ) summary(m01) # values used to simulate data were for the Weibull distribution; # a2 = 2.2, b2 = 0.35, a3 = 2.35, b3 = 0.35
# NB the data to analyse needs to be in a data frame of a specific form head(recovery_data_II) # step #1: prepare nll function for analysis m01_prep_function <- function(a2, b2, a3, b3){ nll_recovery_II(a2, b2, a3, b3, data = recovery_data_II, # data_recovery_II, d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to mle2 for maximum likelihood estimation, # specifying starting values m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, a3 = 2, b3 = 0.5) ) summary(m01) # values used to simulate data were for the Weibull distribution; # a2 = 2.2, b2 = 0.35, a3 = 2.35, b3 = 0.35
Function returning negative log-likelihood (nll) for patterns of mortality in infected and uninfected treatments when an infected population harbours two identified, or 'observed', subpopulations of hosts experiencing different patterns of virulence, e.g. with/without visible signs of infection.
nll_two_inf_subpops_obs( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull", infsubpop = infsubpop )
nll_two_inf_subpops_obs( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull", infsubpop = infsubpop )
a1 , b1
location and scale parameters describing background mortality |
a2 , b2
location and scale parameters describing mortality due to infection in one subpopulation |
a3 , b3
location and scale parameters describing mortality due to infection in the other subpopulation |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column idenifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
infected_treatment |
name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment |
d1 , d2 , d3
names of probability distributions chosen to describe background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively; each defaults to the Weibull distribution |
infsubpop |
name of data frame column identifying the two subpopulations of infected hosts; '1' or '2' |
The nll is based on six parameters, the location and scale parameters for background mortality, plus separate location and scale parameters for each of the two infected subpopulations.
It is assumed the patterns of mortality within each subpopulation act independently of one another.
# example using data from Parker et al data01 <- data_parker # create column 'infsubpop' in data01, fill with '0' data01$infsubpop <- 0 # infsubpop = '1' for individuals in infected treatments (g == 1) # with visible signs of sporulation (Sporulation = 1) # infsubpop = '2' for individuals in infected treatments (g == 1) # with no visible signs of sporulation (Sporulation = 0) data01$infsubpop[data01$g == 1 & data01$Sporulation == 1] <- 1 data01$infsubpop[data01$g == 1 & data01$Sporulation == 0] <- 2 head(data01) # step #1: parameterise nll function to be passed to 'mle2' m01_prep_function <- function( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3){ nll_two_inf_subpops_obs( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, data = data01, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Frechet", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull", infsubpop = infsubpop )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2( m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 3, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, a3 = 2, b3 = 0.5) ) summary(m01)
# example using data from Parker et al data01 <- data_parker # create column 'infsubpop' in data01, fill with '0' data01$infsubpop <- 0 # infsubpop = '1' for individuals in infected treatments (g == 1) # with visible signs of sporulation (Sporulation = 1) # infsubpop = '2' for individuals in infected treatments (g == 1) # with no visible signs of sporulation (Sporulation = 0) data01$infsubpop[data01$g == 1 & data01$Sporulation == 1] <- 1 data01$infsubpop[data01$g == 1 & data01$Sporulation == 0] <- 2 head(data01) # step #1: parameterise nll function to be passed to 'mle2' m01_prep_function <- function( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3){ nll_two_inf_subpops_obs( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, data = data01, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Frechet", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull", infsubpop = infsubpop )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2( m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 3, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.5, a3 = 2, b3 = 0.5) ) summary(m01)
Function returning negative log-likelihood (nll) for patterns of mortality in infected and uninfected treatments when an infected population is assumed to harbour two distinct subpopulations of hosts experiencing different virulence. The nll is based on seven parameters, the location and scale parameters for background mortality, separate location and scale parameters for each of the two infected subpopulations, and a parameter estimating the proportions of the two subpopulations
nll_two_inf_subpops_unobs( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, p1 = p1, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull" )
nll_two_inf_subpops_unobs( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, p1 = p1, data = data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = "Weibull", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull" )
a1 , b1
location and scale parameters describing background mortality |
a2 , b2
location and scale parameters describing mortality due to infection in one subpopulation |
a3 , b3
location and scale parameters describing mortality due to infection in the other subpopulation |
p1 |
parameter estimating the proportion of infected hosts in the first of the two subpopulations; 0 <= p1 <= 1 |
data |
name of data frame containing survival data |
time |
name of data frame column identifying time of event; time > 0 |
censor |
name of data frame column idenifying if event was death (0) or right-censoring (1) |
infected_treatment |
name of data frame column identifying if data are from an infected (1) or uninfected (0) treatment |
d1 , d2 , d3
names of probability distributions chosen to describe background mortality and mortality due to infection in each subpopulation, respectively; defaults to the Weibull distribution |
p1 is the estimated proportion of hosts associated with the location and scale parameters a2, b2; 0 <= p1 <= 1.
It is assumed the patterns of mortality within each subpopulation act independently of one another.
# example using data from Parker et al data01 <- data_parker # step #1: parameterise nll function to be passed to 'mle2' m01_prep_function <- function( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, p1 = p1){ nll_two_inf_subpops_unobs( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, p1 = p1, data = data01, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Frechet", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2( m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.3, a3 = 2, b3 = 0.7, p1 = 0.5) ) summary(m01)
# example using data from Parker et al data01 <- data_parker # step #1: parameterise nll function to be passed to 'mle2' m01_prep_function <- function( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, p1 = p1){ nll_two_inf_subpops_unobs( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, a3 = a3, b3 = b3, p1 = p1, data = data01, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g, d1 = "Frechet", d2 = "Weibull", d3 = "Weibull" )} # step #2: send 'prep_function' to 'mle2' for maximum likelihood estimation m01 <- mle2( m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 0.3, a3 = 2, b3 = 0.7, p1 = 0.5) ) summary(m01)
Simulated data allowing for recovery from infection, where recovered individuals experience the same background mortality as uninfected individuals.
An object of class data.frame
with 120 rows and 10 columns.
A dataframe
indicator variables identifying individuals in the control treatment that died (control.d = 1) or were censored (control.c = 1)
indicator variables identifying individuals in the infected treatment that died (infected.d = 1) or were censored (infected.c = 1) while still infected
indicator variables indenifying individuals in the infected treatment that died (recovered.d = 1) or were censored (recovered.c = 1) after recovering from infection
'0' not censored, '1' censored
death indicator: '1' died, '0'
time of the event (death or censoring)
frequence or number of individuals associated with the event of death or censoring at time t
head(recovery_data) ; tail(recovery_data)
head(recovery_data) ; tail(recovery_data)
Simulated data allowing for recovery from infection, when there is no background mortality.
An object of class data.frame
with 120 rows and 10 columns.
A dataframe
indicator variables identifying individuals in the control treatment that died (control.d = 1) or were censored (control.c = 1)
indicator variables identifying individuals in the infected treatment that died (infected.d = 1) or were censored (infected.c = 1) while still infected
indicator variables indenifying individuals in the infected treatment that died (recovered.d = 1) or were censored (recovered.c = 1) after recovering from infection
'0' not censored, '1' censored
death indicator: '1' died, '0'
time of the event (death or censoring)
frequence or number of individuals associated with the event of death or censoring at time t
head(recovery_data_II) ; tail(recovery_data_II)
head(recovery_data_II) ; tail(recovery_data_II)
Function simulating survival data corresponding with assumptions of nll_basic
sim_data_nll_basic( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, n1 = n1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, n2 = n2, t_censor = 1000, d1 = "", d2 = "" )
sim_data_nll_basic( a1 = a1, b1 = b1, n1 = n1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2, n2 = n2, t_censor = 1000, d1 = "", d2 = "" )
a1 , b1 , a2 , b2
location and scale parameters describing background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively; values must be > 0 |
n1 , n2
size of populations to simulate data; uninfected and infected, respectively; values must be > 0 |
t_censor |
time when any individuals still alive are right-censored; defaults to 1000 if not specified, must be > 0 |
d1 , d2
probability distribution(s) chosen to describe background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively; choice of, Weibull, Gumbel, Fréchet |
To generate data, the function collects the input variables for the probability distributions chosen to describe the background mortality and mortality due to infection, along with values for their location and scale parameters, respectively. These are used to parameterise cumulative survival functions for the two sources of mortality. These functions are solved for time t, where the value of S(t) is drawn from a random uniform distribution between 0 and 1; this yields values of t corresponding with values of survival drawn at random from the cumulative survival curve.
Values of t are rounded up to the nearest integer. This introduces a bias as recorded times of death are later than actual times of death; this bias occurs in real datasets when sampling occurs at discrete intervals. This bias can be partially offset by taking the mid-point of sampling intervals as the time of death. Mid-point times of death are also provided, assuming sampling occurs at each integer interval.
In the case of hosts from infected treatments, two potential times of death are calculated; that due to background mortality and that due to infection. The earlier of the two defines the time of death, providing it is not later than the value of t_censor.
The value of t_censor defines the time when any individuals remaining alive are right-censored. The act of censoring is assumed to occur after populations have been sampled for mortality, i.e., if mortality is recorded daily and the last day of an experiment is day 14, the populations are checked for mortality at the beginning of day 14 and any individuals alive after this are classed as censored on day 14. The timing of censoring is 'true' as individuals were known to be alive at the time they were censored. Hence times of censoring do not vary for 'time' or 'mid-time', whereas they do for individuals dying at an unknown time between two consecutive sampling times.
The lower tail of Gumbel distribution can yield negative estimates for times of death as the random variable replacing cumulative survival approaches one; S(t) -> 1.
set.seed(34) sim_data <- sim_data_nll_basic( a1 = 2.5, b1 = 0.9, n1 = 100, d1 = "Weibull", a2 = 2.0, b2 = 0.5, n2 = 100, d2 = "Weibull", t_censor = 14) head(sim_data, 10) sim_data$time[sim_data$infected_treatment == 0] sim_data$time[sim_data$infected_treatment == 1] # plot histogram for ages at death in infected population hist( sim_data$time[(sim_data$infected_treatment == 1 & sim_data$censor == 0)], breaks = seq(0, 14, 1), xlim = c(0, 15), main = 'infected, died', xlab = 'time of death', xaxt = 'n') axis(side = 1, tick = TRUE, at = seq(0, 14, 1)) # estimate location and scale parameters of simulated data with nll_basic m01_prep_function <- function(a1, b1, a2, b2){ nll_basic(a1, b1, a2, b2, data = sim_data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull' )} m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 1) ) confint(m01) # estimate using 'mid_time' instead of 'time' m02_prep_function <- function(a1, b1, a2, b2){ nll_basic(a1, b1, a2, b2, data = sim_data, time = mid_time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull' )} m02 <- mle2(m02_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 1) ) confint(m02) # compare estimates AICc(m01, m02, nobs = 200) # for these data, m02 based on 'mid-time' provides a better # description of the data
set.seed(34) sim_data <- sim_data_nll_basic( a1 = 2.5, b1 = 0.9, n1 = 100, d1 = "Weibull", a2 = 2.0, b2 = 0.5, n2 = 100, d2 = "Weibull", t_censor = 14) head(sim_data, 10) sim_data$time[sim_data$infected_treatment == 0] sim_data$time[sim_data$infected_treatment == 1] # plot histogram for ages at death in infected population hist( sim_data$time[(sim_data$infected_treatment == 1 & sim_data$censor == 0)], breaks = seq(0, 14, 1), xlim = c(0, 15), main = 'infected, died', xlab = 'time of death', xaxt = 'n') axis(side = 1, tick = TRUE, at = seq(0, 14, 1)) # estimate location and scale parameters of simulated data with nll_basic m01_prep_function <- function(a1, b1, a2, b2){ nll_basic(a1, b1, a2, b2, data = sim_data, time = time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull' )} m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 1) ) confint(m01) # estimate using 'mid_time' instead of 'time' m02_prep_function <- function(a1, b1, a2, b2){ nll_basic(a1, b1, a2, b2, data = sim_data, time = mid_time, censor = censor, infected_treatment = infected_treatment, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull' )} m02 <- mle2(m02_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 1, a2 = 2, b2 = 1) ) confint(m02) # compare estimates AICc(m01, m02, nobs = 200) # for these data, m02 based on 'mid-time' provides a better # description of the data