The negative log-likelihood (nll) functions in this package allow various survival models to be fit to observed survival data by maximum likelihood estimation. The actual variables estimated are the random variables defining the location and scale parameters of the survival models.
This vignette illustrates;
how the estimated means, variances and covariances of these variables can be combined using the delta method to estimate the approximate variance and 95% confidence intervals of a hazard function, and
how a log-transformation of the hazard function can avoid the lower bounds of these confidence intervals from being less than zero.
Both approaches are used by the function
to estimate the confidence
intervals of a hazard function describing a pathogen’s virulence. This
function, however, is limited to estimates arising from the default form
of anovir::nll_basic
where the location and scale
parameters for background mortality and mortality due to infection are
described by the variables, a1,b1
and a2,b2
Three worked examples are provided where the number of random variables contributing to the parameters of the hazard function are 1, 2 or 3.
The second example estimates the 95% confidence intervals of a hazard
function describing a pathogen’s virulence. The two variables estimated
are those defining the location and scale parameters for host mortality
due to infection. This type of analysis is compatible with the function
and illustrates the sequence of
steps taken by the function.
Finally, a worked example also shows how to calculate 95% confidence
intervals on the natural scale for the results when they are calculated
with nll_basic_logscale
The delta method provides a means to estimate the approximate variance of a function when the function is a function of one or more random variables, and where there is an estimate for the variance of each random variable. For example if g is a function of f, where f is a function of the random variables, X1, X2, …, Xn, such that,
g = f(X1, X2, …, Xn) and estimates for the variance of each Xi are available, then by the delta method the first order approximation for the variance of g is,
where ∂f/∂Xi is the expression for the first partial derivative of f(⋅) with respect to Xi, while Var(Xi) and Cov(Xi, Xj) are terms for the variance and covariances of the random variables, respectively.
This first order approximation is equivalent to the function being described by a tangent line intersecting it at its mean. Higher order approximations are equivalent to describing the function around its mean with polynomial expressions to a higher degree. Such expressions are progressively more flexible and provide a better description of the function. However the added value of approximations of order two or above rapidly goes towards zero if the function is approximately linear about its mean. In such cases there is little benefit to going beyond a first order approximation.
The approximate nature of a first order approximation for the variance of a hazard function means it can yield lower estimates that go below zero. This situation can be remedied by a back-calculation of the confidence intervals estimated on a logscale.
Let L(t) be the log transformation of the hazard function h(t),
L(t) = log [h(t)] Define the lower and upper bounds for L(t), based on its estimator, L̂(t),
[L̂(t) − A, L̂(t) + A] where A is the distance from the mean to the lower or upper bounds of the confidence interval. The back-transformation from the log-scale gives the lower and upperbounds as, [exp (L̂[t] − A), exp (L̂[t] + A)] this equals,
[exp (L̂[t]) ⋅ exp (−A), exp (L̂[t]) ⋅ exp (A)]
The back-transformation of L̂(t) is, ĥ(t) = exp (L̂[t])
which can be substituted into the bounds above to give,
[ĥ(t) ⋅ exp (−A), ĥ(t) ⋅ exp (A)] For a 95% confidence interval,
Use the delta method to estimate Var[log (ĥ[t])] as a function of ĥ(t);
Consequently the A term above becomes;
and the 95% confidence intervals,
$$\hat{h}\left(t\right) \cdot \exp \left( \frac{\pm 1.96 \cdot\sqrt{\textrm{Var}\left[\hat{h}\left(t\right)\right]}}{\hat{h}\left(t\right)} \right) $$
This example illustrates the estimation of the 95% confidence intervals of a hazard function based on a single random variable.
Sy et al. [1] recorded the survival of
caged adult female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes over a three week
period. The functions anovir::nll_basic
were used to estimate patterns of mosquito
mortality based on survival functions for the Weibull distribution.
The variables estimated were a1, b1, a2, b2 which defined the location and scale parameters for background mortality and mortality due to infection, respectively.
An initial analysis suggested the scale parameter for background mortality (b1) was close to one, such that, the background rate of mortality could be described by the exponential distribution. In this case the hazard function for background mortality at time t, h1(t) is,
$$\textit{h1} \left(t\right) = \frac{1}{\exp \left(\textit{a1}\right)}$$ where a1 is the location parameter and a random variable to be estimated.
In this case the approximate variance of the hazard function by the delta method is,
where μa1 and σa12 are the mean and variance of a1, respectively.
A revised model m02
set, b1 = 1.0, and gave the
following estimates for parameters; a1, a2 and b2
and the variance-covariance matrix
#> a1 a2 b2
#> a1 0.014285300 -0.002035729 0.002179394
#> a2 -0.002035729 0.012434151 0.006217163
#> b2 0.002179394 0.006217163 0.007388838
The lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence intervals for the hazard function can be estimated as follows;
mu_a1 <- coef(m02)[[1]] ; mu_a1
#> [1] 4.813
var_a1 <- vcov(m02)[1,1] ; var_a1
#> [1] 0.0142853
h1t <- 1/(exp(mu_a1)) ; h1t
#> [1] 0.008123456
var_h1t <- (-1/exp(mu_a1))^2 * var_a1 ; var_h1t
#> [1] 9.426946e-07
lower_ci <- h1t - 1.96*sqrt(var_h1t)
upper_ci <- h1t + 1.96*sqrt(var_h1t)
lower_ci ; h1t ; upper_ci
#> [1] 0.006220444
#> [1] 0.008123456
#> [1] 0.01002647
lower_ci2 <- h1t*exp(-1.96*sqrt(var_h1t)/h1t)
upper_ci2 <- h1t*exp(+1.96*sqrt(var_h1t)/h1t)
lower_ci2 ; h1t ; upper_ci2
#> [1] 0.006426912
#> [1] 0.008123456
#> [1] 0.01026784
In this example the confidence intervals for virulence are estimated for a Fréchet hazard function based on three random variables.
An analysis of a subset of the data from Blanford et al [2] found the virulence of three different isolates of the fungal pathogen were best described by hazard functions for the Fréchet distribution. Here the 95% confidence intervals for the virulence of strain Ma07 are estimated.
data01 <- data_blanford
data01 <- subset(data01,
(data01$block == 5) & (
(data01$treatment == 'cont') |
(data01$treatment == 'Ma07')
) &
(data01$day > 0)
# create column 'g' as index of infected treatment
data01$g <- data01$inf
m01_prep_function <- function(a1, b1, a2, b2){
nll_basic(a1, b1, a2, b2, data = data01, time = t, censor = censor,
infected_treatment = g, d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Fréchet')
m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function,
start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5, a2 = 3, b2 = 1)
#> Maximum likelihood estimation
#> Call:
#> mle2(minuslogl = m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 2, b1 = 0.5,
#> a2 = 3, b2 = 1))
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(z)
#> a1 3.486901 0.110589 31.530 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> b1 0.715964 0.059226 12.089 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> a2 1.640545 0.024162 67.897 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> b2 0.334838 0.018526 18.074 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> -2 log L: 2110.927
# view estimates
coef(m01) ; vcov(m01)
#> a1 b1 a2 b2
#> 3.4869005 0.7159644 1.6405450 0.3348380
#> a1 b1 a2 b2
#> a1 0.0122298917 5.019360e-03 -1.196194e-04 -1.202789e-04
#> b1 0.0050193604 3.507697e-03 8.290656e-05 -6.993859e-05
#> a2 -0.0001196194 8.290656e-05 5.838154e-04 9.126280e-05
#> b2 -0.0001202789 -6.993859e-05 9.126280e-05 3.432267e-04
# assign means, variances & covariances
# means
a2 <- m01@coef[[3]]
b2 <- m01@coef[[4]]
# variances
var_a2 <- m01@vcov[3,3]
var_b2 <- m01@vcov[4,4]
# covariances
cov_a2_b2 <- m01@vcov[3,4]
# specify timespan to calculate
t <- 1:14
# write an 'expression' for the Fréchet hazard function
# in terms of 'a2', 'b2'
hazard_expression <- expression(
(1 / (b2 * t)) * exp(-((log(t) - a2) / b2) - exp(-((log(t) - a2) / b2))) / (1 - exp(-exp(-((log(t) - a2) / b2))))
# prepare expression for 'stats::deriv`
# NB needs names of variables for partial differentiation
dh2_dt <- stats::deriv(hazard_expression, c('a2', 'b2'))
#> expression({
#> .expr1 <- b2 * t
#> .expr2 <- 1/.expr1
#> .expr4 <- log(t) - a2
#> .expr6 <- -(.expr4/b2)
#> .expr7 <- exp(.expr6)
#> .expr9 <- exp(.expr6 - .expr7)
#> .expr10 <- .expr2 * .expr9
#> .expr12 <- exp(-.expr7)
#> .expr13 <- 1 - .expr12
#> .expr15 <- 1/b2
#> .expr16 <- .expr7 * .expr15
#> .expr23 <- .expr13^2
#> .expr27 <- .expr4/b2^2
#> .expr28 <- .expr7 * .expr27
#> .value <- .expr10/.expr13
#> .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 2L), list(NULL, c("a2",
#> "b2")))
#> .grad[, "a2"] <- .expr2 * (.expr9 * (.expr15 - .expr16))/.expr13 -
#> .expr10 * (.expr12 * .expr16)/.expr23
#> .grad[, "b2"] <- (.expr2 * (.expr9 * (.expr27 - .expr28)) -
#> t/.expr1^2 * .expr9)/.expr13 - .expr10 * (.expr12 * .expr28)/.expr23
#> attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
#> .value
#> })
# evaluate (calculate) hazard function 'h2'
h2 <- eval(dh2_dt)
# collect estimate of hazard function 'h2'
# and 'gradients' of partial derivatives
dh2 <- attr(h2, 'gradient')
# rename columns for clarity
colnames(dh2) <- c('dh2_da2', 'dh2_db2')
# collect time, estimates of hazard function at time 't'
# and partial derivatives
dh2 <- cbind(t, h2, dh2)
# calculate variance of hazard function
# using delta function
var_h2 <-
dh2[,'dh2_da2']^2 * var_a2 +
dh2[,'dh2_db2']^2 * var_b2 +
2 * dh2[,'dh2_da2'] * dh2[,'dh2_db2'] * cov_a2_b2
# calculate standard deviation of estimate
sd_h2 <- sqrt(var_h2)
# bind to other estimates
dh2 <- cbind(dh2, sd_h2)
# calculate lower & upper bounds of 95% confidence interval
lower_ci <- dh2[,'h2'] * exp(-1.96 * dh2[,'sd_h2'] / dh2[,'h2'])
upper_ci <- dh2[,'h2'] * exp( 1.96 * dh2[,'sd_h2'] / dh2[,'h2'])
# bind together
dh2_ma07 <- cbind(dh2, lower_ci, upper_ci)
The calculations made in Part II of this example could have been done
by anovir::conf_ints_virulence
using the output of
for the location and scale parameters, their
variance and covariance.
# values for a2, b2, var_a2, var_b2, cov_a2b2 were assigned
# from results of 'bbmle::mle2' above
#> [1] "a2" "b2" "cov_a2_b2"
#> [4] "data01" "data_sy" "dh2"
#> [7] "dh2_dt" "dh2_ma07" "h1t"
#> [10] "h2" "hazard_expression" "lower_ci"
#> [13] "lower_ci2" "m01" "m01_prep_function"
#> [16] "m02" "mu_a1" "sd_h2"
#> [19] "sy_censor" "sy_fq" "sy_inf"
#> [22] "sy_times" "t" "upper_ci"
#> [25] "upper_ci2" "var_a1" "var_a2"
#> [28] "var_b2" "var_h1t" "var_h2"
# tail of calculations above
#> t h2 dh2_da2 dh2_db2 sd_h2 lower_ci upper_ci
#> [9,] 9 0.3013620 -0.08804439 -1.0464000 0.01992884 0.2647269 0.3430669
#> [10,] 10 0.2784536 -0.05889901 -0.9480619 0.01790857 0.2454751 0.3158627
#> [11,] 11 0.2576075 -0.04076261 -0.8615484 0.01619091 0.2277501 0.2913792
#> [12,] 12 0.2390152 -0.02905187 -0.7870835 0.01474095 0.2118009 0.2697262
#> [13,] 13 0.2225442 -0.02123861 -0.7232670 0.01351348 0.1975732 0.2506712
#> [14,] 14 0.2079621 -0.01587353 -0.6684187 0.01246723 0.1849073 0.2338914
# specify mle2object 'm01', Frechet distribution & maximum time
ci_matrix01 <- conf_ints_virulence(
a2 = a2,
b2 = b2,
var_a2 = var_a2,
var_b2 = var_b2,
cov_a2b2 = cov_a2_b2,
d2 = "Frechet",
tmax = 14)
# tail of calculations from 'conf_ints_virulence'
#> t h2 dh2_da2 dh2_db2 sd_h2 lower_ci upper_ci
#> [9,] 9 0.3013620 -0.08804439 -1.0464000 0.01992884 0.2647269 0.3430669
#> [10,] 10 0.2784536 -0.05889901 -0.9480619 0.01790857 0.2454751 0.3158627
#> [11,] 11 0.2576075 -0.04076261 -0.8615484 0.01619091 0.2277501 0.2913792
#> [12,] 12 0.2390152 -0.02905187 -0.7870835 0.01474095 0.2118009 0.2697262
#> [13,] 13 0.2225442 -0.02123861 -0.7232670 0.01351348 0.1975732 0.2506712
#> [14,] 14 0.2079621 -0.01587353 -0.6684187 0.01246723 0.1849073 0.2338914
# are the results the same?
identical(dh2_ma07, ci_matrix01)
#> [1] TRUE
In this example the confidence intervals for virulence are estimated for a Weibull hazard function based on three random variables.
Analyses of the data from the study by Lorenz & Koella [3,4] suggested background mortality could be described by the Gumbel distribution and mortality due to infection by the Weibull distribution.
The location parameter describing mortality due to infection
was made a linear function of log[dose], requiring two
random variables to estimated for its intercept and regression
# get & rename data
data01 <- data_lorenz
#> Infectious.dose Food Sex Spore.Count t censored d g
#> 1 10000 100 F 425000 13.0 0 1 1
#> 2 10000 50 F 22000 3.5 0 1 1
#> 3 10000 100 F 465000 20.5 0 1 1
#> 8 0 50 F NA 17.0 0 1 0
#> 10 160000 50 F 295000 17.5 0 1 1
#> 11 160000 100 F 0 4.0 0 1 1
# create new version of function 'nll_basic'
nll_basic2 <- nll_basic
# check location/definition of parameter function a2 ('pfa2')
#> pfa2 <- a2
# replace 'a2' making 'pfa2' a linear function of log(dose)
body(nll_basic2)[[4]] <- substitute(pfa2 <- a2i + a2ii * log(data01$Infectious.dose))
# check new version of 'pfa2'
#> pfa2 <- a2i + a2ii * log(data01$Infectious.dose)
# update formals, including names for time, censor, etc..
formals(nll_basic2) <- alist(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2i = a2i, a2ii = a2ii, b2 = b2,
data = data01, time = t, censor = censored, infected_treatment = g,
d1 = 'Gumbel', d2 = 'Weibull')
# prepare 'prep_function' for analysis
m01_prep_function <- function(a1, b1, a2i, a2ii, b2){
nll_basic2(a1, b1, a2i, a2ii, b2)
# send to 'bbmle::mle2' with starting values for variables
m01 <- mle2(m01_prep_function,
start = list(a1 = 23, b1 = 4, a2i = 4, a2ii = -0.1, b2 = 0.2)
# summary of results
#> Maximum likelihood estimation
#> Call:
#> mle2(minuslogl = m01_prep_function, start = list(a1 = 23, b1 = 4,
#> a2i = 4, a2ii = -0.1, b2 = 0.2))
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(z)
#> a1 23.183049 0.655694 35.3565 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> b1 4.710901 0.382051 12.3306 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> a2i 3.835129 0.190420 20.1404 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> a2ii -0.080453 0.017615 -4.5673 4.941e-06 ***
#> b2 0.185591 0.019461 9.5365 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> -2 log L: 1506.186
# collect & assign results in mleobject 'm01'
#> a1 b1 a2i a2ii b2
#> 23.18304856 4.71090112 3.83512910 -0.08045345 0.18559113
#> a1 b1 a2i a2ii b2
#> a1 0.429934340 0.0106586090 -0.0391348080 2.854322e-03 2.150702e-03
#> b1 0.010658609 0.1459627064 -0.0081116490 8.870024e-04 -3.118436e-03
#> a2i -0.039134808 -0.0081116490 0.0362596312 -3.326361e-03 2.809542e-04
#> a2ii 0.002854322 0.0008870024 -0.0033263614 3.102946e-04 -3.905585e-05
#> b2 0.002150702 -0.0031184359 0.0002809542 -3.905585e-05 3.787366e-04
# means
a2i <- m01@coef[[3]]
a2ii <- m01@coef[[4]]
b2 <- m01@coef[[5]]
# variances
var_a2i <- m01@vcov[3,3]
var_a2ii <- m01@vcov[4,4]
var_b2 <- m01@vcov[5,5]
# covariances
cov_a2i_a2ii <- m01@vcov[3,4]
cov_a2i_b2 <- m01@vcov[3,5]
cov_a2ii_b2 <- m01@vcov[4,5]
# specify timespan to calculate
t <- 1:28
# specify dose treatment to calculate
dose <- 5000
# write an 'expression' for hazard function
hazard_expression <- expression(
1 / (b2 * t) * exp(((log(t) - (a2i + a2ii * log(dose)))) / b2)
# prepare expression for 'stats::deriv`
# has names of variables for partial differentiation
dh2_dt <- stats::deriv(hazard_expression, c('a2i', 'a2ii', 'b2'))
# evaluate (calculate) hazard function 'h2'
h2 <- eval(dh2_dt)
# collect estimate of hazard function 'h2'
# and 'gradients' of partial derivatives
dh2 <- attr(h2, 'gradient')
# rename columns for clarity
colnames(dh2) <- c('dh2_da2i', 'dh2_da2ii', 'dh2_db2')
# collect time, estimates of hazard function at time 't'
# and partial derivatives
dh2 <- cbind(t, h2, dh2)
# calculate variance of hazard function
# using delta function
var_h2 <-
dh2[,'dh2_da2i']^2 * var_a2i +
dh2[,'dh2_da2ii']^2 * var_a2ii +
dh2[,'dh2_db2']^2 * var_b2 +
2 * dh2[,'dh2_da2i'] * dh2[,'dh2_da2ii'] * cov_a2i_a2ii +
2 * dh2[,'dh2_da2i'] * dh2[,'dh2_db2'] * cov_a2i_b2 +
2 * dh2[,'dh2_da2ii'] * dh2[,'dh2_db2'] * cov_a2ii_b2
# calculate standard deviation of estimate
sd_h2 <- sqrt(var_h2)
# bind to other estimates
dh2 <- cbind(dh2, sd_h2)
# calculate lower & upper bounds of 95% confidence interval
lower_ci <- dh2[,'h2'] * exp(-1.96 * dh2[,'sd_h2'] / dh2[,'h2'])
upper_ci <- dh2[,'h2'] * exp( 1.96 * dh2[,'sd_h2'] / dh2[,'h2'])
# bind together
dh2_5000 <- cbind(dh2, lower_ci, upper_ci)
Repeat calculations for dose = 160000; not shown.
Plot results;
The nll_basic_logscale
function assumes the values of
the input variables are on a log-scale. Within the function these values
are exponentiated before being sent to the likelihood function. The use
of conf_ints_virulence
will not provide the correct
confidence intervals with the output from
The following code returns the same confidence intervals as that estimated for the same data without a log-transformation.
data01 <- subset(data_blanford,
(data_blanford$block == 3) &
((data_blanford$treatment == 'cont') |
(data_blanford$treatment == 'Bb06')) &
(data_blanford$day > 0)
l01_prep_function_log <- function(a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2){
a1 = a1, b1 = b1, a2 = a2, b2 = b2,
data = data01,
time = t,
censor = censor,
infected_treatment = inf,
d1 = 'Weibull', d2 = 'Weibull')
l01 <- mle2(l01_prep_function_log,
start = list(a1 = 1, b1 = 1, a2 = 1, b2 = 1)
#> Maximum likelihood estimation
#> Call:
#> mle2(minuslogl = l01_prep_function_log, start = list(a1 = 1,
#> b1 = 1, a2 = 1, b2 = 1))
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(z)
#> a1 1.045594 0.024271 43.0791 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> b1 -0.728183 0.089151 -8.1680 3.135e-16 ***
#> a2 0.948089 0.011094 85.4622 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> b2 -1.697579 0.172747 -9.8269 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> -2 log L: 1293.144
# collect and assign results
#> a1 b1 a2 b2
#> 1.0455942 -0.7281833 0.9480889 -1.6975787
#> a1 b1 a2 b2
#> a1 0.0005891043 0.0011221235 -0.0001266466 0.0014110750
#> b1 0.0011221235 0.0079478157 -0.0001426868 -0.0014237986
#> a2 -0.0001266466 -0.0001426868 0.0001230693 -0.0006601062
#> b2 0.0014110750 -0.0014237986 -0.0006601062 0.0298416332
a2 <- coef(l01)[[3]]
b2 <- coef(l01)[[4]]
var_a2 <- vcov(l01)[3,3]
var_b2 <- vcov(l01)[4,4]
cov_a2_b2 <- vcov(l01)[3,4]
# set timescale for calculations
t <- 1:15
# NB need to exponentiate the terms with 'a2' and 'b2'
# in hazard expression
hazard_expression <- expression(
(1/(exp(b2) * t)) * exp((log(t) - exp(a2)) / exp(b2))
# remaining steps are the same as in Example 2 above
dh2_dt <- stats::deriv(hazard_expression, c('a2', 'b2'))
h2 <- eval(dh2_dt)
dh2 <- attr(h2, 'gradient')
colnames(dh2) <- c('dh2_da2', 'dh2_db2')
dh2 <- cbind(t, h2, dh2)
var_h2 <-
dh2[,'dh2_da2']^2 * var_a2 +
dh2[,'dh2_db2']^2 * var_b2 +
2 * dh2[,'dh2_da2'] * dh2[,'dh2_db2'] * cov_a2_b2
sd_h2 <- sqrt(var_h2)
dh2 <- cbind(dh2, sd_h2)
lower_ci <- dh2[,'h2'] * exp(-1.96 * dh2[,'sd_h2'] / dh2[,'h2'])
upper_ci <- dh2[,'h2'] * exp( 1.96 * dh2[,'sd_h2'] / dh2[,'h2'])
dh2_backlog <- cbind(dh2, lower_ci, upper_ci)
dh2_backlog <- round(dh2_backlog,4)
#> t h2 dh2_da2 dh2_db2 sd_h2 lower_ci upper_ci
#> [1,] 1 0.0000 -0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0004
#> [2,] 2 0.0001 -0.0013 0.0008 0.0002 0.0000 0.0024
#> [3,] 3 0.0006 -0.0078 0.0039 0.0007 0.0000 0.0069
#> [4,] 4 0.0020 -0.0283 0.0111 0.0020 0.0003 0.0148
#> [5,] 5 0.0054 -0.0765 0.0234 0.0044 0.0011 0.0266
#> [6,] 6 0.0122 -0.1725 0.0405 0.0079 0.0035 0.0431
#> [7,] 7 0.0244 -0.3432 0.0601 0.0122 0.0091 0.0651
#> [8,] 8 0.0442 -0.6226 0.0768 0.0169 0.0208 0.0936
#> [9,] 9 0.0747 -1.0529 0.0818 0.0212 0.0428 0.1303
#> [10,] 10 0.1195 -1.6847 0.0621 0.0245 0.0799 0.1788
#> [11,] 11 0.1829 -2.5772 -0.0002 0.0286 0.1346 0.2484
#> [12,] 12 0.2696 -3.7994 -0.1285 0.0403 0.2011 0.3614
#> [13,] 13 0.3853 -5.4297 -0.3520 0.0693 0.2708 0.5481
#> [14,] 14 0.5362 -7.5569 -0.7069 0.1220 0.3433 0.8376
#> [15,] 15 0.7295 -10.2802 -1.2365 0.2046 0.4210 1.2639
# the confidence intervals are the same as those
# estimated on the help page of
# `conf_ints_virulence` for variables that are
# not assumed to be on a logscale